Scaling discussions are a means to an end
A bitcoin (only) privacy unconference
This is a technical meet up for developers, researchers, and privacy advocates to discuss the design space for Bitcoin privacy. We're taking advantage of the event's proximity to POW Summit, HCPP, Bitcoin++, and Bitcoin Amsterdam.

Multiple formats during the day: Open panels, self-organized workshops, lightning talks, whiteboard sessions, or anything else attendees think is valuable.

The event will be held at the Institute of Cryptoanarchy and Bitcoin Coffee. The space is quite large, and we will have numerous spaces for breakout discussions and coworking.

Our confirmed participants include members of projects building privacy systems, validity rollups, sidesystems, L2s, and Chaumian Ecash systems.

The event will host a maximum of 35 participants. 8 spots are available. There is no fee for attending. Please express interest for a remaining slot by emailing us.
October 3rd (a day before HCPP)
Paralelni Polis, Prague, Czechia
Food, drinks, and coffee will be provided throughout
Alcoholic beverages will be provided in the evening

There will be a co-working and a happy hour for attendees who arrive on October 2nd.
Additional information
We will have a professional documentary team on hand which participants can opt-in to interviews about their work, but there will be no non-consensual recording of the event, streaming or transcripts. Chatham House Rules. Actionable next steps for research may be shared by Bitcoin Layers with participants approval.

Hosted by Bitcoin Layers, an independent research group focused on Bitcoin scaling solutions. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please reach out.